In interpretation for important legal documents and business meetings, there is no chance for a second take or an edit. Whether you need translation services in Jersey City, NJ for a large conference or a one-on-one meeting, you require the highest level of professional interpreters to ensure that your communication is crystal clear and perfectly understood. TransLingua has the resources to provide interpreters who are experienced and skilled, have a background in your area, and are fluent in both the source and target languages.
Used for large conferences and gatherings during which the interpreter is speaking at the same time as the person delivering an address. For this setting, TransLingua also offers convenient equipment rental options.
Used for small meetings, depositions, court proceedings, and medical settings: the interpreter repeats what has just been said.
Available for informal settings for either individuals or groups.
When there is no room for error or misinterpretation, trust the Linguistic Professionals at TransLingua to get the job done right the first time.
(212) 697-2020