eat. drink. give thanks...
That was our motto last year at Thanksgiving. As we were thanking our clients, vendors and friends for their ongoing patronage, support and contributions and wishing them happy holidays, we were also sharing a delicious pumpkin spice cookie recipe and spice secrets with them.
This inspired us to go a step further and create a platform that would allow us to share international culinary discoveries with all of you...the idea of a food blog was born. So during the cold winter months we got busy and started collecting blog entries from our staff, brainstormed with our web designer about content and design, and now we are just about to put the finishing touches on our new home page featuring our blog.
We are happy to announce the launch of Food Matters in September of 2015. This blog is not just for the exchange of recipes. It is much more:
- After your next outing to a restaurant, why don’t you send us a brief review with photos, menu pictures or perhaps even with a short interview with the restaurant owner or manager?
- Visiting a food festival? Why not submit some pictures or short videos of the food trucks and delicious treats that you have tasted?
- Making something yummy from your home country for your dinner guests? Please send us the recipe and pictures of your dinner party!
- Are you part of a parent-teacher advisory board for food options at your children’s school? Why not share the issues that schools face today in trying to meet nutritional standards and making food attractive to their student and faculty?
- Do you have a vegetable, fruit and/or herb garden? Why not share some of your “green thumb wisdom” with our readers? Who knows what the responses are and maybe you will even get some answers to your own questions!
We look forward to going live with our new blog in September and to receiving your contributions. All food-related submissions welcome... because food matters!