Russia’s population is over 140 million and it’s economy is globally connected and growing rapidly. Russian is a dense, complex language with tremendous subtleties. TransLingua’s authentic and precise Russian translation work for major financial, media and industrial clients in Russia (and elsewhere) is testament to our expertise. With over 30 years of translation experience, let Translingua translate your success.
Localization: A multinational cosmetics company selected TransLingua to translate all of their new marketing material, product packaging, and labels into Russian (as well as French, Italian, German, and Spanish). We assembled teams of native-speaking linguists with extensive experience in the cosmetics industry to ensure that the most appropriate terminology was used across all components of the project.
Accurate Language: We consistently met this client’s deadlines with flawless translations that reflect the nuances of terms like “silky smooth” and “gently exfoliate” with wording that is both consistent with the original and familiar in the target markets.
TransLingua was built to meet the needs of individuals who require the highest quality translation services.
In an industry that focuses too often on word count, we focus on what really counts: your needs.
Our linguists are all native speakers of the target language – we distinguish ourselves by the emphasis we put on understanding the nuances and subtlety of the source language as well.
Each linguist holds a degree in a specific subject area and has extensive experience in the target industry.
At TransLingua, it’s you, your project manager, and a team of linguists working together to create the most effective solution.
Turn to TransLingua – a company with a dedication to excellence, a reputation for unparalleled service, and the flexibility to accommodate your needs.
Our clients find this a winning combination — you will too. We look forward to hearing from you.
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New York Office
211 East 43rd Street
Suite 1404
New York, NY 10017
T (212) 697-2020
F (212) 697-2891
Boulder Office
1445 Pearl Street
Suite 215
Boulder, CO 80302
T (303) 442-3471
F (303) 442-5805