Translation services during COVID 2021 requires a new set of protocols. Keeping clients and translators safe is a priority, especially in larger cities. With technology advances being what they are, many translation services previously offered in person can now be offered online. Zoom, email, cloud services, and other online options allow translation companies and their clients to conduct business from the safety of their homes.
Translingua, one of the leading translation companies in New York and Colorado, moved all their translation business online. This also offers increased flexibility in appointment times. Additionally they can serve a wider clientele beyond just those two states. You'll still get the same one on one personal service but without having to deal with traffic or other inconveniences.
Face to face interpreters have seen a decrease in business during COVID. They have been increasingly forced to adapt to online platforms when the majority of their business prior to the pandemic has been in person. In fact, quite a few have seen a decrease in income as the requirement for their position has also decreased. Now with municipalities and businesses opening back up, the need for personal interpretation will begin to rise and those interpreters who have adapted to using technology will become vital to the daily operations of these industries.
Those who work with the written word were already familiar with working from home in most cases. Documents were usually sent via email prior to the pandemic. Some translators in certain industries may have seen a decrease, most likely those whose clients were primarily travel, leisure, or conference literature. Those translators who work in fields related to health, such as medical or pharmaceutical have probably seen an increase in translation requests.
Going forward any language service provider is going to have to be adaptable and resilient. Online services will most likely become a larger part of doing business. Any provider of language services should be proactive about maintaining online business. They should also be actively creating more online opportunities for their company. Flexibility and a willingness to explore new ways of doing business will be key going forward in this new digital age.
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Translingua was proactive in creating an online platform at the start of the pandemic. Making sure we're able to continue to service our clients no matter the challenges that face us. We will continue to evolve and demonstrate our value daily. Contact us today for your free translation quote.